💕 Love 'great experience' since 14
🏆 Won and got hired on a hackathon before graduate
💼 Have experience with SAAS startup, design systems, e-commerce, cross-functional collab, etc.
🍬 Sweet, helpful and problem-solving (or I try to be!)
Redesign the gateway of Wayfair's B2B enrolment by condensing the steps, integrating modules and leveraging design systems.
50% less clicks needed. Building & Testing. (2024)
Design and standarize how we showcase Wayfair's 1 zillion products and all their related information on a card.
Shipped & contributed to the design system. Now used across Wayfair. (2023)
Migrating 60+ system icons from Adobe Illustrator into Figma components and scale them to support 7 different themes in the Design System.
Saved $3000/yr on AI license. Icons enabled in Figma. (2022)
Incubator project. Explore and conceptualize Group Play on the OLG app.
Greenlighted & roadmapped. Incubation succeeded. (2020)
First place. Won me a job and some till-today friendships. (2018)